Earth Day Special with Srećko Horvat: Is another end of the world possible? | DiEM25

The world as we know it today will likely end one day. When it does, will we be able to say at least we created the world we wanted? Will it end with all the rich people escaping to Mars? Or can we shape our demise through our common friendship and unity with the living world?

In exploration of topics from Srećko Horvat’s new book After the Apocalypse, Dušan Pajović and the author discuss the challenges of green capitalism to a radical progressive green agenda and the strategic importance of putting “the commons” at the centre of green politics.

Srećko Horvat is a philosopher, author and co-founder of DiEM25. Dušan Pajović is the campaign coordinator of the Green New Deal for Europe – DiEM25’s Blueprint for Europe’s Just Transition. This video was created to celebrate Earth Day 2021.

For more information on the campaign, visit

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