E59: Real allies and rainbow washing: Is Pride month still true to its original goals?

Pride month is when corporations take to social media to signal their progressive credentials. But are they genuinely interested in creating diverse, inclusive societies? Or are they marketing a form of rainbow capitalism? And what should we, as radical subversive activists, be doing to advance LGBT+ causes?

Our panel, including Yanis Varoufakis, Ivana Nenadovic, Erik Edman and more, investigate.

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Green New Deal: Bra jobb & klimatneutral framtid

Vad handlar det om? Det handlar om klimatkamp och bra jobb. Vi kämpar för en Green New Deal – det enda investeringsprogram som kombinerar ...

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Statement on the UK government’s decision to block Julian Assange’s extradition to the US

Though a dark precedent has been averted, we must keep mobilising for Julian Assange’s freedom

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